Friday, September 14, 2012

La Guinée éternel

"Under the vision of President Sekou Touré, Guinea’s 34 regions were each represented by an orchestra, a traditional music ensemble, a choir and a theatrical group. The government bought them musical instruments and encouraged them to sing about African nationalism and anti-colonialism while blending traditional local rhythms with Cuban sounds and electric instruments."

folklore,Syliphone,authenticité ,Macenta,ensembles....
are words that lead to the  perfumed gardens of  "la Guineé   éternel"

the list is long but not exhaustive  let's  wish we will find more time this time  ... 
for today's record:

orchestre de Guéckédou-Lambalya
ensemble instrumental de Labé-P.D.G. Lannata Sine
troupe Federal de Conakry II-Douba dyabi
ensemble instrumental traditionnel de Kissidougou-Festival 73
ensemble de Conakry I-Horoya
ensemble de Mamou-Agression
ensemble Instrumental et Vocal de Kissidougou-Komankan
ensemble de Macenta-Le complot ne passera pas