Tuesday, March 19, 2013

musique des princes ~ fêtes des Tohossu

Musique enregistrée à Abomey par Gilbert Rouget


  1. Merci pource disque qui est un chainon manquant de mon blog

  2. Yes! Oui! Jawohl! Jazeker! Ajoewa! Si!
    I love it...

  3. I love this! Been looking for this rare album for years.


  4. Surprised by this journey overwhelmed by the sound and thorough information, I can not get to the essentials.
    What is the ethnicity of these people?
    As their language is called?
    From where they come?

    From that point it would be easier to relate to the culture of this People.
    This kingdom has already a great ceremony, the scholars take away the limelight with so extensive description, and do not understand anything, I get tired.

    My first feeling, for its sound suggests to me that the language is close to the Senufo language, drawings are similar to Senufo culture scenes.
    I also find some references in the musical structure, with bells and drums creating sound vibrations, circular and repetitive rhythms trying to reach with their waves up to the beings that inhabit parallel dimensions, and according to the technique through a different dimension, intended to awakening such the ancestors for a consultation.
    They use of the word as a vehicle of energy, magical reciting also creates a unique beauty icon.

    Thank you for opening the door to this clean air.
